Columbia River Canoe Project
Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights,. so please be sure to arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating and the screening will start after midnight.
Run Time: 65 min.
The Columbia River Canoe Project follows cousins Robert Lester and Braxton Mitchell as they attempt a 1,300-mile canoe expedition from the Continental Divide near Butte, Montana, all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Braxton, only 18, has never been in a canoe before volunteering for this adventure of a lifetime. Though just a few years older, Robert leads the expedition, trying to overcome the unforeseen challenges of such an ambitious journey. As the pair navigate the river, enduring the hardships of battling dams, rapids, and wind, Braxton grows up, learning about life and discovering his true capabilities.
While following their downstream journey, the film highlights the ecological issues facing the Columbia River Watershed and promotes the importance of environmental stewardship. The Columbia River Canoe Project takes viewers on an adventure filled with breathtaking landscapes, unpredictable challenges, and a wealth of inspiration.