Watch trailer for Preconceived
Watch trailer
Midnite weekend screenings happen on Friday & Saturday nights,. so please be sure to arrive on Friday and/or Saturday night by 11:45pm for seating and the screening will start after midnight.
Director: Kate Dumke, Sabrine Keane Run Time: 80 min. Rating: Not Rated Release Year: 2024
Starring: Angela Dwyer, Brandi Swindell, Kathaleen Pittman, Maleeha, Maria
Sponsored by Montana Abortion Access Program (MAAP)
Join Montana Abortion Access Program (MAAP) for a screening of the documentary Preconceived! Preconceived is a raw and insightful look into the rise of the anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) pervading America. The documentary sheds light on how many of these centers are part of a movement striving to make abortion unthinkable and illegal, the documentary explores the complex role of deception, finances, faith, and privacy. The Executive Director of MAAP will be available after the screening to answer questions about CPC’s, MAAP’s work, and how you can support abortion access in Montana. If you have any questions about MAAP or the screening, please feel free to email info@mtabortion.org.